Iran vs Israel war
If this happens & escalates then it is certainly a WWIII, stock market will crash by 3-5K points on day1 or 2, more layoffs, there will be chaos everywhere.
This will be full fledged war between two countries, backed by two different axis. Please pray it doesn’t happen at all.

Nothing will happen. This isn't the 19th or 20th century where wars between 2 regional powers can be fought at the whim of its rulers. We live in a globalised world and where a war of such scale will have drastic effects throughout the global. At best, they will launch a few missiles that will target some shack in the desert and call it a day and do a dick measuring contest of one's armed forces.

Buddy; a few missiles yes that’s true. But both countries especially Iran will never back from a full scale ware and neither Israel. This is not a military operation against a group or a camp; this is a whole country who hates each other by core.
I want you to look more deeply on the geo politics now.

I wonder what happened when the US killed Soleimani and Iran "went to war" against them. No one wants to fight a conventional war when you can have a proxy war by supporting terrorists.

Less chances of Iran's direct participation in war.

Iran is a cowardly traitor state they can't go full throttle. USA will shoot their ships right away. They know going full throttle means what, they militarized the Hamas. So when their pigs are being slaughtered because of spreading the terrorism. They got triggered when their consulate was bombed

till election , usa will try to avoid conflict by any means. Although they openly said to iran , don't attack Isreal

Just relax !! Nothing will happen. We need to stop making Israel - Iran's problems as World's problems just like our Foreign minister said Europe's problems aren't World's problems.
Israel - Iran war isn't a World War. Axis has always existed because US loves to poke its nose into everything and everywhere. They love supplying weapons and then field testing them.

Bro but per barrel $ 📈📈😧

Bhai tension matlo aisa kuch nhi hone waala it's just a power shift in middle east saudi was the king now iran wants to become the middle east king, and whenever power shift happens these all things what we are seeing is common, Secondly there will be no full fledged war going to happen it will be of the same nature what we are seeing right now, even every country got a chance to showcase their defence equipments and create a market for their defence exports.
So don't be over tensed, take care of your health and keep on brushing your skill nothing going to happen in one click.

That's the only accurate assessment in this entire thread.

It has already started with missile launches, but not sure about full scale war between 2 powerful countries will happen. USA will try to not happen such.

Here we go

Peculiar thing.
The liberal secular modern west have their policies/future based upon the whims & demands of a tiny, ICJ declared Apartheid, credo-religio-ethnic supremacist genocidal state.. just because the West had in historical past tried multiple times to annihlate & expell this community from Europe, last time during 1940s the Germans & Italians went berserk and fed them to ovens & gas-chambers... much guilt tripping.
A full scale global conflict is in the horizon, the safest places now in event of a Nuclear Holocaust seem to be Africa & South America..

Problem will be when their supporter gets in. for israel USA and when USA gets in then Russia and China will naturally be more interested with Iran. IT will be like cold war