
Is an MBA worth it? 📕

It’s quite expensive to pursue one, but I’m worried not doing it will stagnate my career long term. Any views on whether I should apply (4yrs work experience currently, have worked in a boutique consulting firm previously).

Any help will be sincerely appreciated!!

13mo ago

Okay I’ll bite

  1. current industry
  2. current CTC
  3. intended industry/role
  4. are your parents dependent on you or will they be in the next 5-6 years?
  5. who are you? M/F/age
  6. UG: tier 1/2/3? Stem? Commerce?

I’ll go first -Marketing role x Gaming industry
-22lpa cash component only -Open to any industry x role in tech/product/marketing
-Parents are already dependent on me but can manage an education loan if worth it

  • male, general, 26, engineer - computer science tier 3


Solid industry, solid role. It’s niche enough for you to write a good SOP. I’m assuming you won’t write the CAT so I’ll restrict my advice to colleges that will accept GMAT

You won’t see as significant jump in CTC initially, based on placement reports cash in hand ex tax will be 28-30L. PM role outlook for the next 1 year looks bleak. And beyond I don’t see PM roles getting anywhere near the frenzy of 2021-22. Marketing roles are evergreen, and brand/performance marketing roles will be exciting ways to grow in that space.

Things that will work against you-

  1. tier 3 won’t be an issue only if your GMAT score is high enough. Think around 720-740 for an interview callback

  2. reliance on SOP- take all the help you can. It has to sound authentic and ambitious without sounding brash. Trust me it’s a very fine line, I’ve seen enough applications as someone on admission panels that go JUUUST a bit over that ruin an otherwise great application




It's a great experience. You can learn everything that they teach you there online - so it's not the classroom education that's worth it. It's the experience. For me it changed how I look at the world - you think about business, marketing, finance, operations, HR incentives and tons of others thing. You meet like minded people, read about real world case studies, work on group assignments , build a solid network. It's worth it if you think the above adds value. Forget about salary increments etc.



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