Is it a mental illness?
I am 24 years old male and right from the time when I was 15 years old, I used to fall in love with anyone who treats me right, I've fallen for my close friends, relatives, colleagues, even with my teachers. And every time I felt that, I knew I had to kill these feeling so I always separated myself from the person.
Now, the problem is that now when I fall in love, right from the time I feel for someone, I feel intense heart break, I don't know if I've trust issues or what, but this way I can't move forward in life.
Is it because I was ab*sed in my childhood? Or what? I never came to know.
Childhood trauma does manifest in different ways in adulthood. Maybe you didn't feel very loved back then and are seeking it now. Best to consult with a therapist and work on your issues.