Is it just me or Grapevine News section is set to a certain scroll speed limit?
It's mildly infuriating. I swipe up and have to waaaaiiiiiiiiit for it to go up on it's own speed. 🙂. Those few seconds ... causes a mild headache there. Whoever thought of that, great development feature agreed but no, not there pleaseee. Humble request to revert it if possible. Thank you.
Hey @CorporatePlumber - this issue has been fixed in the upcoming release, do ensure you have auto-update on or keep an eye out on the playstore for an update in the coming days.
Any other feedback, do let us know - enjoy reading! :)
The scroll is not block wise but in overall I think so when you do hard swipe it scrolls continuously and if you do slow swipe it's slow with its own speed, kinda feel unnatural from user experience POV. Also the new version has quite bugs like the connection goes down and it keeps loading , and takes time to load msgs and news section , earlier it said the limit is 10articles perday I think but I scrolled through more than 20