Hello there,
I am a regular 3.5 yr exp web dev. I joined Grapevine, just to express my inner thoughts and it's much better to be anonymous.
I got stuck in a void !!! Rn what I a getting is much less as per my experience. The daily routine seriously makes me feel I am a worthless and unskilled person. The type of person who if quits his job will never find another all because I am not good at anything. The main fight is I want to switch to some PM or consultant role but I am filled up with self-doubt and scared of thinking that I am unskilled regular labour, who has somehow gotten into IT...
Whether you call it self doubt/laziness /indiscipline things are not helping me to grow and crack a new job with a better daily routine.
Appreciate your suggestion/feedback.
But please help me and suggest to me how can I get into a technical consultant or any managerial role.