
Karnataka Job Reservation Row: Industry Leaders Criticize Karnataka's Job Quota for Locals

  • The Karnataka government's decision to reserve private sector jobs for locals has been met with strong opposition from industry leaders, who argue it will deter talent and investment.
  • The draft bill mandates 50% of management jobs and 70% of non-management roles be reserved for locals, with a 100% quota for Kannadigas in Group C and D jobs.
  • Critics, including Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw and TV Mohandas Pai, warn the bill could harm Karnataka's tech hub status and violate constitutional rights.
  • Legal experts and industry veterans highlight the potential for businesses to relocate due to the restrictive measures, urging investment in education and upskilling instead.
  • Pro-Kannada organizations support the bill, believing it will create more job opportunities for locals, while the bill awaits legislative approval.

Source: Moneycontrol

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7mo ago

Eye opener for those who are planning to live in Bangalore for long time. Better to avoid investing in properties and get stuck. If companies will have this culture, all giant MNCs look to relocate.


Kannadigas digging their own grave. IT sector will surely relocate.


@FussyWool8 No bro its Govt. NOT Kannadigas, I am a kannadiga and this is some crazy law that is bound to fail. By the way even after being native kannada guy, I won't qualify aswell, As i can speak fluently but not write or read correctly


2 things.

  1. Companies won't move.
  2. Even if it does, it will majorly just affect immigrants, big chunk of IT employees in Bangalore are non locals. Only some filthy rich real estate guys will be hit somewhat. Let that be, that's good again, the middle class will be able to afford more if RE prices drop.

But the biggest problem is no one will move. It's all just scream ur lungs out but no action. Everyone will rot in blr itself☹️.

But atleast with this we will see some good people in the city!


But this is a half baked law. Judiciary will strike it down. So relax. This just a bloody eye wash


@NewsAnchor so when is Grapevine moving out of Bangalore?


I think the 50%/75% should be brought down. The judiciary will take note and strike it down. Something like 30% should be fine.


Yea 50 is way too much. Tech industry is mostly dominated by non locals in most areas.


It's not much but I run a small startup with few remote employees spread across India. I'm not paying the karnataka government much apart from professional tax. I guess it's time to shift my registered address. Don't want to deal with all this ambiguity. Small startups become bigger and home base is always important since they end up spending most of their funding in the place they started. This is just cutting out the branch on which they are sitting. Who in their right mind thought that the government can force companies to take people without merit is beyond me.


But this is more like reservation and less to do with labor laws


Means 70% are tech jobs will be reserved for Karnataka, i am sure big techs and startups will move out of banglore very soon


apart from cons I'm unable to see pros with this law🙈


You have to be extremely stupid to see the pros. That's why you don't see it


Here is the opportunity for companies or other state to impose reverse reservation. People from karnataka state employed in any other state should be less than 30%/50% for non management and management job. Ask me why? Because this reservation should goes both ways. If by providing reservation, you're killing meritocracy and regional identity is more important than a melting pot of culture. Then yes, other state and companies should come forward and propose this solution that total strength of karnataka people in any company of any other state, that should be 100%- reservation given by Karnataka government. Also, no person from karnataka should be allowed to work in any other state for group C and D jobs. Also, if a kannada person is working in any other state, he has to pass the local state language test. This is call Tit for Tat. And to hell with the regional identity bullshit.


Realistically, is this even possible? Didn't Haryana do this too? I have not heard people from Gurgaon leaving

The haryana high court said it was unconstitutional and banned it.

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