Layoff docs
Hello folks, recently one of my friend got laid off. The new company is requesting for any doc/email or acknowledgement. However, he only received FnF and nothing. Wanted to understand if any company gives the doc or any acknowledgement that can be treated as a proof? And any suggestions to tackle this?
Experience letter?
He got the experience letter but no mention of layoff
The experience letter is the proof of working there. What more do they want?
The company that is asking it is stupid i have been laid off just to talk calmly to HR and all would work out if not better look for another job.
HR is thinking that he is switching just within 3 minths of joining org. But the truth is he has been laid off. It’s not easy to get a new job in this market, so he is asking if any doc from his previous org
I understand, but I have faced the same thing 1 month and laid off with 10 months of exp and trainee and got a job. I think he should look for another job nobody will admit to layoffs.
Experience letter should be enough for the hiring organization. Nothing stops them from do a back channel reference check to find out if it was a case of layoff. Hiring 101! 🤦
Too many layoffs happening these days. Previous company should ideally share the experience letter. But not all companies are as professional.