Leaving India for greener pastures
Currently working as a senior software engineer @msft, living in Tier 1 city, working remotely and earning enough to lead a decent life in India.
I’m 28 and have lived and worked all my life in India.
I used to believe that India is on path to become a developed nation. But after travelling to Europe, Dubai, Japan and countries in SEA, i’m come to realise that my country has a really long way to go, to provide us with a good quality of life.
Clean air to breath, walkable streets, robust public transport, cleanliness, good roads, safety, etc. - I don’t think Indian cities will achieve this, atleast in my lifetime.
Indian politicians and lawmakers are one of the most incompetent bunch, taking the country backward. Have zero expectations of any change.
On top of that, paying 35% in direct tax year after year for nothing in return doesn’t make sense anymore.
I am looking for suggestions on cities that I can consider to move to. Looking for good career growth, vibrant tech scene and decent compensation.
Suggestions welcome!🙏🏻
Yea well. That’s what people like you do!
Instead of improving the country yourself you plan for a better living outside and then curse the mother land that gave you everything you have.
The cycle repeats. You don’t like India, cry about it, go to a foreign land, curse India for its flaws, celebrate Ganesh festival, Diwali alone, cry about missing India, visit India once a year and cry more about how bad India is and go back for a better life.
You want a better quality of life, go right ahead. But don’t belittle the country that gave you the opportunity to think for yourself.
Pretty sure I’m going to get a ton of backlash for this comment but if you prefer other countries, leave!
Dont cry about it on the internet.
You are 100% right. India can never become a truly developed nation. It really requires income per capita which can't grow in India as there is no population control and income disparity will only increase in coming years. We need a real Thanos in India to bring equilibrium in place.
Dubai, easy to move, decent availability of jobs, zero taxes, amazing infra and quality if life.