
Leaving India for greener pastures

Currently working as a senior software engineer @msft, living in Tier 1 city, working remotely and earning enough to lead a decent life in India.

I’m 28 and have lived and worked all my life in India.

I used to believe that India is on path to become a developed nation. But after travelling to Europe, Dubai, Japan and countries in SEA, i’m come to realise that my country has a really long way to go, to provide us with a good quality of life.

Clean air to breath, walkable streets, robust public transport, cleanliness, good roads, safety, etc. - I don’t think Indian cities will achieve this, atleast in my lifetime.

Indian politicians and lawmakers are one of the most incompetent bunch, taking the country backward. Have zero expectations of any change.

On top of that, paying 35% in direct tax year after year for nothing in return doesn’t make sense anymore.

I am looking for suggestions on cities that I can consider to move to. Looking for good career growth, vibrant tech scene and decent compensation.

Suggestions welcome!🙏🏻

3mo ago

Yea well. That’s what people like you do!

Instead of improving the country yourself you plan for a better living outside and then curse the mother land that gave you everything you have.

The cycle repeats. You don’t like India, cry about it, go to a foreign land, curse India for its flaws, celebrate Ganesh festival, Diwali alone, cry about missing India, visit India once a year and cry more about how bad India is and go back for a better life.

You want a better quality of life, go right ahead. But don’t belittle the country that gave you the opportunity to think for yourself.

Pretty sure I’m going to get a ton of backlash for this comment but if you prefer other countries, leave!
Dont cry about it on the internet.






You are 100% right. India can never become a truly developed nation. It really requires income per capita which can't grow in India as there is no population control and income disparity will only increase in coming years. We need a real Thanos in India to bring equilibrium in place.


In the next 10 years, the Indian population will decline, including youth will also decline.


There are many problems, population explosion is not one of them.


Saw some posts stating they are earning 50 lac with 3 years experience. Check with them.


Mera bhi work visa lagwa do Bro, mujhe bhi jana hai kahin!! London, Paris, Amsterdam - kahin ka bhi chalega.


New York, LA, San Francisco?


Aisa kya tm log mare ja r India se bahar jane k liye. Jo kuch karna hai India m karo.


Anyone who has the opportunity should consider leaving India—not only for personal growth but also to benefit the country as a whole. With fewer people consuming India's limited resources, there will be more to go around. In a country with a large and growing population, this could contribute to a more sustainable future. Those who are intelligent, fluent in English, and capable of adapting to foreign cultures should seriously think about moving abroad. In many ways, choosing to leave can be seen as a patriotic decision, as it eases the strain on the nation’s resources.


I don't think for the few that move out every year would create any kind of difference for the stressed futures


It might seem slow, but it does make a difference. When someone from a lower or middle class background suddenly earns significantly more due to their talent, they tend to consume at higher rates—sometimes even more than those who were born wealthy. They often splurge on luxury cars, bungalows, and other high-end items, increasing demand for resources. As more people move abroad and achieve financial success there, it reduces this consumption burden at home, leaving more resources for those who remain. Every individual who leaves has the potential to make a small, but meaningful, impact on the country’s overall resource strain.


Leave dont come back


Yeah that's what Sundar Pichai friends also told him


Good for him then


Congratulations on taking the decision. God bless you.. And hope you do well where ever you go. I dia is definitely not for you.. Hope you find a country of your choice. You were born Indian but you don't have to remain Indian..


You still remain Indian even if you go abroad. What's this sense of entitlement i am sensing?


Well it seems he doesn't want to remain Indian.. Unless he wants to.. It is fine.. Ones identity is what they identifies and others agree. That is the classical identity crisis with every Indian outside of India.. They are usually confused about their identity because they have a baggage of their previous identity. I don't want him to be Indian so that he doesn't get confused any more.. Unless he feels that confusion is his identity.. Again it is his choice nothing I can influence. Or may be thar is a confusions to me but is a fusion identity to him.. Whatever he chooses I support him


Dubai, easy to move, decent availability of jobs, zero taxes, amazing infra and quality if life.


What most people overlook about Dubai is that indirect taxing is quite high. Yes, no income taxes, but 5% VAT at every step of supply chain, that is borne by the end user.


Are bhai that 5 percent is nothing. And yeah rent is crazy but then hopefully you earn more and it balances out..end of the day if you end up saving the same amount as you do in India, its worth it no?


Life quality will be good but you will miss the closeness with parents and other family members. I have not been outside yet but during a trip for 10 days to a foreign country I realised that life is definitely awesome outside but af the end of day I wanted to be back. But yes everyone has their own priorities. All the best for future.


Buddy you are very lucky like 99% of the world. Not everyone has a good non toxic family na


Well, why not bring our family there as well?


If you can get a Visa then nothing beats California. Else Singapore, Netherlands, Australia, UK are good to be in.


Have you been to California recently? It is a rapidly decaying city which stinks from quite afar.


This is what someone who's never lived in California would say. If you get a chance, speak to anyone who lives in the bay area, it stinks of pee and if you are lucky you would not have stepped on human poop on the street or been chased by a drug addict homeless on the street. Don't over fantasize the west so much in your head, you'll be so disappointed that you'll never want to live in the US again. Just a heads up to you :)

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