by SnoozyLlamaKPMG
LTIMindtree - Specialist and Senior Specialist salary
What is the salary range for these levels (Specialist and Senior Specialist) and what band/level will LTIM consider for someone with 7+ years of experience.
Salary range for senior specialist role with 7 yrs experience in LTIMindtree?
I don't think any person with 7 years of experience would be given Senior Specialist position.
7 years in LTIMindtree total experience will be more. I have seen a total of 8+ years of exp got P4 with good package due to Niche skills.
Your total experience matters too and your skills. If your skills are Niche u will get above 25L for sure else there are many with 15L.
What is the salary range for these levels (Specialist and Senior Specialist) and what band/level will LTIM consider for someone with 7+ years of experience.