Married men, what advice would you give for an arranged marriage?
What are some points to take care of when getting married through an arranged marriage setup?
If Things really went their way.. then such couples won't be here Answering these questions.. They'd rather spend time cuddling each other.....
Ummm... Singles can imagine and feel sad....
Love things do you mean during marriage or after?
After. I meant did it turn up as you had expected?
That's a hard question to answer, psychologically damaging to answer, this way or that way.
Dont marry… Make Money… And retire early… live with dog or cat pet for a peaceful life…
What are some points to take care of when getting married through an arranged marriage setup?
What is marriage according to you guys? Which one is better love marriage or arranged marriage ?
I have been working in the Software Industry for the past 9 years. I feel like I have made a good use of my time and money and maybe some of my lessons can help you folks as well. Recently did a calculation for my NW and I am happ...
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