
Money matters

What’s the most complex / annoying part of managing money?

Budgeting and saving - credit card payment, spends, refunds
Investing - what products, when and how much?
Tax planning and filing - capital gains, loss harvesting etc.
Loans - which to take, how to optimise
Insurance - what to buy and how much
104 votesexpired
23mo ago


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by SwirlyPretzelGrowth Manager

Managing money

What’s the biggest pain point you had for managing money and did you find a hack to solve that?

I moved all my CC bill due dates and MF SIPs dates to 5th of the month. So by 7th, whatever cash is left in my savings account I invest. No ...

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How do you know your financial worth?

Maintaining track of investments, bank accounts/deposits, PPFs, trading, debentures, mutual funds, insurances/ULIPs, N number of form 16s, IT returns, then home loan/personal loan/car loan accounts, credit card accounts, paying bills, re...

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Folks making >5Lpm, how to live?

Basically want to know how you guys strategise and manage spending. Few questions to make this easier

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