Any trick to read the Ken & the morning context?
Unfortunately,It's not feasible for me to buy subscription for both . There are a few stories from both which i want to read. Is there any way to read them ?
I want to read in depth business case studies/stories from India. I also want to consume relevant startup news and updates. What is the best place to find such content? Seems like all good content is hidden behind a paywall. If I have to buy a subscription which one should I buy?
Subscribe to the information. I know it's not Indian startups, but it is extremely good from a global perspective. TMC/Ken articles you can find for free on telegram groups
TMC >> Ken
Personal view:
TMC backs their analysis with numbers and insider input.. Ken (these days) largely copy pastes frameworks or articles from other publications and riffs off them.. More qualitative from Ken.. Lacks depth and insight
My opinion is that tmc puts the juicy parts of every company which leads people to overthink the real situation
Bloomberg, is usually what I like to read.
Both aren't very good. But if that's your selection set - Ken > TMC.
TMC is mostly outrage based, masala kind of journalism. You don’t learn much, and it’s designed and written in a way to provoke an emotional reaction.
Ken is somewhat more informative but most articles on that has “okay, so what?” Vibes.
I suggest don’t pay for either. If your goal is to read about startups/business in India, ET pro does some good stories. You can also look at livemint, vccircle, the arc most of which aren’t behind a paywall.
Instead subscribe to newsletters. Saldanha has a good one. Finshots is good for basics in Indian finance (though they copy matt Levine and other bllomberg/ft articles on occasions). There are many others around Indian startups. Most also share a collection of links relevant.
Forgot to mention, for basic frameworks, do subscribe to ben thomson’s stratechery and benedict Evans’s newsletter. Both offer the kind of insights and links that would help a lot.
VC Circle way to go
Can anybody share the PDF if this article
TheCore.in is pretty good.
Unfortunately,It's not feasible for me to buy subscription for both . There are a few stories from both which i want to read. Is there any way to read them ?
Which one should I go for if I want a deeper understanding of the Indian Startup ecosystem?
What do founders and finance/strategy teams read? Yourstory, vc circle, Ken, morning context, inc42, et, mint, business standard, toi, financial express, etc
I am looking for a reliable, interesting platform for consuming business news. But almost all apps like mint, the economist, ken requires a subscription.
So any recommendations around the same if you are a consumer/ premium mem...