My manager thinks being on camera makes me more attentive and I contribute more to the call. 🤡
Is this something you guys also have heard from your managers ?

Regardless of what your manager has asked. What do you think? Can you remain focused off camera?

Well tbh, whenever I am in camera I keep looking at the bottom screen which shows my own picture. In fact with the camera turned on I feel more conscious of myself rather than focusing on the call itself.

Lol, typical shitty Indian managers

yes faced it, although as per some research being on video is not same as in person discussion, psychology works differently also while in person people are not that conscious. Being on camera can reduce focus for some people, it adds more noise. In case you are discussing requirement with client you can turn off camera and focus more on the valid points to be raised. If manager pushes a lot then get accustomed aftet few calls

Not something I've been asked for but lately I noticed it is true for me

Attentive - yes, but you become more conscious of your facial expressions etc instead of the content, while speaking

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