How do we ensure productivity at WFH
I am having hybrid mode 2 days office and 3 days WFH and office is far (20kms from home) so regular commute is tough. But my productivity at home goes down drastically as it's just me at home and lot of slacking happens. Any tips to increase productivity while working from home
Put a camera at ur home work desk and give access to your manager.. the brain will induce a chemical reaction that no amount of motivation and discipline will...
Try to start working early than you would normally do in your office. Like 8 ish am. This way you can close the tasks quickly and get over with the work by the afternoon. Sufficient time to enjoy afterwards.
Makes sense. Lot of my work is around data analysis and doing it in afternoon or evening is taxing for sure
My office is 65kms away from my house and i have to report to office everyday..