
Describe your experience with remote work

  • How has it affected your productivity and work-life balance?
  • What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?
  • Would you recommend it - Y/N
6mo ago
  • Productivity soared. No more chatty coworkers or endless meetings.
  • Biggest challenge was setting up a proper home office. Solved with a good chair and noise-cancelling headphones.
  • Y. Never going back to soul-crushing commutes.



+10 I am remote even before COVID. In my 5years of experience, never went to office!

Con Very difficult to switch now as no company is offering remote work now


I feel hybrid culture is the best though. Sometimes you need to concentrate on some work which doesn't happen at workplace.


Hybrid is the worst - don’t have enough flexibility to plan any holidays

Have to pay rent in a Tier 1 city while not getting the benefits of either


In my opinion, that is a problem with the employer. If the company has a good culture and then planning leaves shouldn't be a problem. That is a big problem though! Agreeing with the tier 1 issue here and considering cities like Bangalore and Mumbai, it is getting worse day by day.


I was doing WFH, I was bore at home. Now, I am doing WFO, now I am bore at office.





  • Productivity plummeted. Can't focus with my kids screaming "Baby Shark" 24/7.
  • Main challenge: convincing my spouse I'm actually working and not just scrolling Twitter all day. Still working on that one.
  • NO - Bring back water cooler gossip and chai breaks!

In my case, I go to a co-working place 500mtrs from my house. Best of both the worlds—no commute, and no distractions.


When I did it:

  1. Productivity was much lower than what it is now. I'd feel lazy, I would want to lie down on bed. WLB was similar to how it is now. But got to spend time with parents which was the big unlock.
  2. Not my cup of tea. But I feel if your company allows it and you want to, sure

TBH i feel much more active and alive stepping out in the world, which I unfortunately stopped doing during remote


Worked remotely for the past 3 years, ever since joining the workforce during covid. Can't compare WFO vs WFH as I've only been to office (which is in another city) for just a couple of days during this entire time.

  • Productivity was sky-high (and much greater compared to WFO, as attested to by my colleagues who had been going to office before covid), even HR admitted this in a casual meeting. WLB was totally out of whack though — my company exploited the blurring of boundaries between work & home and the lack of commute to push us to work longer (late nights were the norm).

  • Challenges: It's been a bit difficult to find time to socialise or just chill. And having calls or meetings during meal times disrupts my routine. But both of these can be overcome by setting strict boundaries. I'm gradually learning to say no to unreasonable expectations. Sometimes I've also felt like not being able to see people work hard before their own eyes made (non-technical) managers appreciate someone's work much less than they would have in office. Being an introvert, I've suffered because of this in hindsight, as outspoken people are able to advertise and glorify their work to portray it in a much better light than it really is. Note, though, that to me it seems that these challenges are a culture problem and not exclusively a WFH problem.

  • 9/10 would recommend. For all its flaws, I feel WFH has given me a sense of freedom I hadn't expected to have as a corporate coolie. IMO most corporate jobs can safely be done remotely without affecting performance (possibly even enhancing it), and companies should allow people the flexibility to choose how they work. If there are any issues, the higher ups should communicate, not coerce people to return to office. WFH has forced us to rethink our relationship with work, and people have adapted accordingly — forcing people to RTO against their will will only lead to loss of talent and unhappy workers. Also a significant reduction in commutes will only help us reduce our carbon emissions and lead us to a more sustainable future.

  1. Work is my life now.
  2. It feels like they are paying me for doing nothing which is kinda hard for me as I have always worked hard just to get a few tens of thousands. Now they pay me just to attend meetings and my inner workaholic is craving for work.
  3. Yes

This !!!!!

  • Earlier I used to hate but now I enjoy wfh as my team sits across the globe. The productivity has skyrocketed as I am more focused without long coffee breaks. WLB is flexible. Totally upto me.
  • key Challenge is frequent knocking on door or door bells so had to excuse myself from meeting. Have not overcome this.
  • Yes, only if your team stills in diff parts of the world or your org provides work from anywhere. That way you can roam around the globe without a worry.


  1. At my current job, work-life balance is very good. No strict deadlines, so productivity is not that bad, I should say.
  2. No major challenges as I have my personal office in my home with nice background to show on video call.
  3. Yes, definitely. I am staying with my family in my hometown where I grew up. You can take care of your old parents, in the time of emergency. Instead of spending in Tier 1 city, I am happily saving money in my Tier 3 city and doing 1 international trip per year as part of my personal leisure.

I can say that I am happy and satisfied


Do you travel to visa free countries or countries in Europe or America?


This is what I call success 🙌


How can I find a remote role? 😭



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by SquishyRaccoonProgram Manager

Feedback on Remote-friendly companies

Need feedback from folks, who work remotely from India for companies outside India.

How do you manage the timezone lapses? How do you manage being connected with the coworkers, who are globally spread out?