
Need advice from millennials

I will be starting my career in tech as an FTE next month. Although I wanted to start in a PBC, life had other plans for me. Need some advice or maybe something which you wish you knew if you were my age for a successful career in tech. Learning and growth at utmost priority, don't care much about wlb at least till I am not 30 PS : base is 17 but have a huge amount of loan to repay.

21mo ago

At young age you should focus only on 2 things, career and money.

Career: Try to learn as much as possible in whatever you do. Take initiative and show enthusiasm for anything new. Anyone can code, but people who take initiative and has the ability to learn new things quickly are the one who make it big. Build a good relationship with your colleagues. Your network is your networth.

Try to get as much clarity in life as possible. Talk to seniors, learn about their journey, why they made certain decisions. Trust me having clarity in life as to what you wanna do in life is a cheatcode.

Money: No matter how much you make, you can always save money. Invest that money into index funds. Investing early on in life will put you years ahead of your friends. Compounding is real. Here's a simple rule you can follow: 50:20:30. Spend 50% on basic needs, 20% on your wants and invest the rest 30%.

Don't buy expensive things just to show off. Literally no one cares.


Makes a lot of sense. Thank you


@ElonTusk you dropped this 👑


There are some things that move different individuals. It's your life's philosophy. People find meaning in work. Some people hate it. For some wlb matters, others justify it with the monthly salary gracing their bank accounts. My suggestion: Become self-aware in the 20s. How do you do that? Experiment. Do you enjoy a fast-paced work environment? Or you would prefer something laid back. What's something that you want to do? Coding? Leading people? Becoming CXO? What works best for you? 20s is the time to try things and decide what works for YOU, what doesn't. A lot of questions posted here - should I do an MBA, how do I grow my career, which company to choose ? Etc can be answered once you become self-aware. Find your strengths and learn to leverage them. Good luck!


Thankyou for these insights!!


Why huge loans at this age?


I mean the loan is on parents but want to repay as they are getting old and want to reduce pressure from them.


Good one, best of luck buddy. My advice would be just work hard yet only during your working hours. Remember to switch a few times (~2) next 2-3 years so that you can optimise your 💲 which will help with your loan thing. Just be nice with everyone, and have a real passion, go out, party, live in hostels on weekends if your work is WFO. Talk to your manager, he's the closest person who will determine your mental health tbh sadly and see if you can work in some good brands early in your career before getting into your passion


Dont forget to take care of your physical and mental health in the 20s. We focus so much on career and hustling in the young age, that we forget that the most important asset is health.


This. This should be the top answer and not the other one.


Focus on health, self-preservation and family. Don't give into the corporate's bullshit of hustle and no work life balance when young. Curate your expenses, try to make most of the money you earn, not making the most money possible. Hit the gym everyday, eat a breakfast, eat good food, sleep 8 hours. Use the remaining time to get the office work done. Work takes the time you give it, so you give it the time after you have done all other important things for the day.


A wiser man said, at young age you should focus only on 2 things: paisa and pussy.

(Replace pussy with penis if you're a woman.)

In other words, have fun, make friends, date. Careers don't get made or broken right at the beginning.


A self proclaimed wise man, right?


Well, wasn't me. His wisdom wasn't self-proclaimed.


You're not in a PBC and base is 17...how?


One of US top banks


Alright. I thought there's some service based company out there giving that comp hahaha 😂


Think like an investor.

Very specific dos and donts from personal experience.


Build wealth:
Move to US, Canada Singapore or whichever country has more opportunities, better lifestyle and currency value.

Invest in doing MBA from a top tier college.

Build a professional network of people and personal brand on social media.

Donts: Keep your distance from lazy, negative, toxic people. It could be you family members too.

Remember, everything has a cost and consequence. But don't be afraid to take sensible risks or do experiments in your career. ✌️


Don’t compare yourself to others, in terms of money or any other aspects.

You will be tempted to but don’t, will be better for your mind.

Daaru Sutta looks cool, but can become become a huge cash drain over time - will tell you to avoid.

Stay in touch with your parents, if you love them.

Har cheez paisa nhi hai - remember.


What is pbc?


Product based company


Okay thanks

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