Need help
I did my BTech in Civil Engineering and have 2 years of experience but I left my job for Govt job preparation and since then 4 years have passed. Can anyone please help me with a direction? What can I do ? I will put full effort to it but what can be a good career option for me now? It would be really kind of you if you please help me out ..

Don't get into any software companies Work for a year with good civil engineering firm.. start scouting projects to build.... Make a team of interior designers/friends interested 2+3.. do business Don't ever join some software or data science related roles As you were preparing for exams you'll have theoretical knowledge... work for a year or so and parallely scout projects

Govt job vs Corporate
Hi friends, Need your advice
backend engineer in product company. yoe 4, age 27, ctc: 18 lpa.. engineering done in civil engg.
sometimes I feel preparing for govt jobs in civil engg because of pressure and uncertainty in IT industry.....

Corporate vs govt job
Hi ,
Need your advice backend engineer in product company. yoe 4, age 27,ctc:18Ipa.. engineering done in civil engg. sometimes I feel preparing for govt jobs in civil engineering because of pressure and uncertainty in IT industry.. wi...

Corporate vs govt
Hi ,
Need your advice backend engineer in product company. yoe 4, age 27,ctc:18Ipa.. engineering done in civil engg. sometimes I feel preparing for govt jobs in civil engineering because of pressure and uncertainty in IT industry.. wi...