Need suggestions on Credit card
Hi Everyone,
I am looking for my first credit card and want to know which one would be best suited for me, as I have never used one before, nor has anyone in my family. My salary is between 10-15 LPA, and I am considering the AMEX Gold Card, but I am not sure if it is a good choice for beginners. My main requirements are for regular shopping and online payments. I do not travel much but would like a card that offers redeemable points for hotels and flights.

Hdfc millenia cashback card, rewardpoints can be reedemed as cashback

Wait you work at hdfc bank and they didn't force you to take any card yet? 😇

i got millenia debit card when i joined the bank but no they didn’t forced me on any card and there are few recently launched cared as well like pixel and stuff not really interested in them.

Amazon ICICI credit card is good. But they won't approve if you don't have a credit score yet. So, try getting the Axis Flipkart card, build the score for few months and then request for Amazon ICICI.

Amex won’t work in most of the places in India as the transaction charges for merchants are pretty high so they refuse to accept it. You can go for any lifetime free credit card, I have HDFC Regalia and I am pretty happy with.
Had the Amex card surrounded it after an year.

Amex won’t work in most nights of the places in India as the transaction charges for merchants is pretty high so they refuse to accept it. You can go for any lifetime free credit card, I have HDFC Regalia and I am pretty happy with.
Had the Amex card surrendered it.