Netskope vs F5 vs Calix
Which company is better in terms of WLB,hikes, learning curve and job stability?
Netskope or F5 networks or Calix?
Please comment on WLB, work culture and growth in these two organisations. And also pour in your suggestions to evaluate both offers to make informed decisions.
Thanks in Advance 🙏
Testers also get paid so much?
Actually I'm lowballed. Many testers of my experience earn 50 to 70+LPA also. In FAANG companies, some testers earn 1 Cr.
Which company is better in terms of WLB,hikes, learning curve and job stability?
Netskope or F5 networks or Calix?
I’m currently deciding between two job offers in Noida and would love your insights. Here’s a breakdown of the details:
Worldline global services - As a associate consultant delivery Amadeus labs - Software developer engineer Gr 8 both are from pune location.
Which is better for wlb, carrer growth.
I have two offers in hand both are from pune location. Which company is better in terms of job security, carrer growth, wlb.