
People in Sales: how do you actually convince people?

This is my first time working in Sales so would love some advice.

5mo ago

There's a lot to unpack here so I'll try and summarize and skip a few things.

Part 1. Identify buying criteria - need to know how prospects make their buying decision. Most deals don't happen because of prospect indecision. Imp to identify a) How decisions like purchasing your product are made b) Who all are involved, and what they care about.

Once you know these two things, you can tailor your talking points around them.

Part 2. Convincing - could be split into 2 buckets

  1. Objection handling
  2. De-risking

Objection handling is a series of questions around your product/service, usage, price, value, ROI, competition, etc. These are questions your prospect will ask you and you'll need to answer them to the best of your ability, truthfully, and with data and examples.

De-risking is around identifying the hidden fears / questions underneath that you will have to uncover. If you De-Risk their 'Risks', you'll make the sale - simple!

(Sample) Elements of Risk in a purchase for the prospect could be:

  • Financial Misjudgment - Risk of overpaying, no ROI, affordability, budget violation,
  • Dont really need it - What if there’s no usage, risking regret
  • Cheaper / better alternative - want to shop around, what if something's better
  • Not what i thought at first - this isn’t how I pictured, risking getting wrong thing
  • Quality of product - risk of poor performance, product becomes obsolete soon
  • Looking foolish / risk of my boss getting mad - bad / dumb choices / risk of ridicule
  • Sales is lying - risk of non delivery, overstating promises, don’t trust salesperson

Risk identification is slightly tricker because people don't share - so you need to get that out of them. Maybe 'throw' in a morsel and see if they bite.

Eg "Mr/Ms Prospect - if you're worried about quality of deployment, let me show you how companies like you have implemented this, and we deploy a team who works with you on a 30-60-90-day deployment plan to ensure your goals are met.".

This is just an example, but anticipating deal risks and asking, and then de-risking that for the prospect is the key to get a sale.

Once you've done the de-risking, you can simply say, "Looks like we have all those out of the way, do you still see a blocker in moving forward?"


Great answer.
In a more ELI5 way, can we say selling is all about - what do they want and how can we help?


Hey this such a well packed, info full answer. I am saving it in my notes.

Something of a off request. Might sound navie ans stupid too. I am not from sales background. Never did sales. I was just good at talking and thought I will do good.

But something hit me hard in life.

I couldn't marry my girlfriend because i couldn't convince at home. I was in a numb state for a year and realised i didn't convince well or negotiate well at home.

From then onwards i have become curious on sales.

Anything you would suggest to implement sales techniques in interpersonal skills and relationships. Any materials books or courses to do.. Please suggest.

Thank you


With logic. Truly understand what their motivation is. Connect everything you're selling with that motivation, show that it's a win-win scenario, not that you're selling something for the sake of it.

Don't overwhelm them. Build trust slowly. When trust exists, then you scale something from 1 to 10. Few jobs allow this comfort ^ But its key


Firstly , confidence then good communication...at last active listening.


Patrani, you need to play with open and closed-end questions to gain more insights on your prospects and then connect the dots aligning with their purpose and take on your horseback and show them how they can have delightful experience with your products and services. In order to introspect your strengths to do sales as I mentioned above and to do a reset with self by setting realistic expectations for corrective and preventive measures, do WhatsApp to 9972803932. Wishing you all the best for happy selling and living. Jai Bharat 🙏


Kamaal karte hain Prashant ji🫡


There's no convincing. It's only making a realisation happen for the other party. Gotta ask the right and deep questions for them to think and respond that helps you make your case.
If you have to push something so hard and yet failing, it's not the right audience you're selling to.


I ask


Mine 2 cents : step 1 - find your sales style. There are 4-5 different selling styles that exist. Knowing which one is comfortable with you is most important. Otherwise you will always feel underconfident while selling.

And you can never win at sales if you are not confident


Don't try to convince people evwr give them wut they want understand them their needs, understand their requirements their budget and if face to face with a customer keep a check on their facial expressions wut are they getting attracted to n what not

  1. Figure out if they’re the right customer. You don’t sell sand to an Arab

  2. Ask open ended questions to learn more about your customer

  3. Figure out their need and intent then map your product as a solution to it

  4. DO NOT SOUND DESPERATE. You lose the negotiating power

  5. Be a great listener , figure out what works for you and keep repeating it.

Sales is a process that needs constant evolving and changing your pitch. So there’s no one shoe fits all. The basics however is the same. So once you get the fundamentals right the rest is easier.


good post, good thread 🧵

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