by ZestyNarwhalMeesho
Looking for referrals please
Can someone please help with referrals in the following companies?
Phonepe Razorpay Wayfair Intuit Atlassian
I will be very grateful 🙏🏽
#uber #intuit #atlassian #microsoft #walmart
Kindly help with referral to the above companies. 🙏🏽
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Can someone please help with referrals in the following companies?
Phonepe Razorpay Wayfair Intuit Atlassian
I will be very grateful 🙏🏽
Atlassian Intuit Amazon Walmart
Can someone help with referral to these companies please? 🙏🏽
Hi People, if anybody works at Google or Uber please help me out with a referral.
Hi all,
I’m looking for referrals at Intuit, PayPal and Oracle. I have 2 years of experience in software development, my tech stack is Spring Boot, Java, Python, React.js, Kafka, and SQL. If anyone can refer me, I’d really appreciate i...