
Query on Capgemini Policy during Pregnancy or its taken as a disease

One of my female friend is working in capgemini and she is 5months pregnant which she already notified 3montha back, moreover her current project contract with capgemini is over. She got selected for another project but after getting the info about pregnancy her current project manager / team lead is releasing her as they are not ready to take a pregnant women in their project where she will go for mat leave after 3-4 months.

My ask is there is a policy like this in capgemini where a pregnant women can't be taken or is this purposefully by the PM or TL .

2mo ago

No, such policy can’t be there, in fact if there would be an evidence of that, such actions can be taken to be biased, and illegal.

She could keep some proof of that and if she gets lay off, she should file a case against the organisation. Usually, Capgemini and many service based companies, won’t keep on Bench for long, if you are not able to get into a project by 3-4 months, they force to resign.


It's your friends rights to take maternity leave and it's the organisation's rights to decide whether they need her or not.


She is not going for maternity leave now,it's after 3-4 months but they are not allowing to join her

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