I have been through ups and downs in IT, but these layoffs seem crazy. There is just no pattern to it, more like everyone is firing let me fire.
Honestly I feel its high time Tech companies, Startups take a hard look at their business and revenue model. Most just seem to be in a herd mentality. Every one is mass hiring, let me also mass hire. Every one is giving exorbitant salaries, let me also give.
Its become more a cycle now, hire in large numbers, find there is no work to give, no revenue to sustain, and so mass fire again. This just cant be going on.
Who makes mistakes that results in revenue loss or crunch?
Top management
Who gets fired ?
Every one except the ones who are responsible.
Dont fucking give me the reasoning that you are doing this for efficiency and streamlining.
No you are just doing it to protect your own arse, while making scapegoats of others.
So the Musks, Pichais, Zuckerbergs happily take fat bonuses, while drafting teary regret letters for firing. And they are supposed to be our role models to look up to?
Enough is enough IT industry can't forever be running in this same mode. These hire and fire cycles are getting weary nowadays.