Reading list for intermediate to senior engineers
I'm working as a software developer at early stage startup for many years now. I've read some amazing blogs that has helped me from time to time. I personally believe that reading plays a major role in becoming a smart person, no matter what field you're in.
Cutting it short, based on all this information, I've decided to share my curated list of engineering articles and academic papers with the world. Every day, I will be posting a new article, backend by my team. Every article will take you one step closer to becoming a better version of yourself.
To sum up, I will add one of my favorite quote from the book "The build by Tony Fadell", "I can't make you the smartest or the brightest, but it's doable to be the most knowledgeable. It's possible to gather more information than somebody else.".
Take a look at https://nerdread.in

When all the articles are available free on internet are you asking users to pay for it? Curated content and summaries, any other features?
Subscription or one time payment to access all the articles?

There are two major problems
- What to read everyday
- If the content is 20-30 pages long, there’s a high chance you won’t end up finishing it in one day.
We solve both. Content discovery for the former and podcast version of article for later.
There’s no subscription option right now, only one time payment at a time.

Must read books for software engineers
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Resources for Non-Tech PMs
I am 4 months into my first job as a product manager. I have never coded in my life except for a basic coding course in college. While I am always eager to understand technical concepts and tend to ask a lot of questions around the same ...