Am I the only one bothered by this trend?
10 engineering blogs to take you to the next level
25 tech blogs you must read
40 big tech system design blogs for interviews
75 software engineering blogs to read everyday
1000 tech blogs that will make you a staff engineer
... and many more.
LinkedIn was used to share useful engineering information but now it just feels like a URL aggregator

The LinkedIn algo is limited to your network. If your network is posting or liking this content, then who is to blame.
If someone is constantly liking garbage that you don’t want to see, you have the option to unfollow them.
My feed is clean everywhere. YouTube, insta, LinkedIn, and Grapevine also

These are popular content creators who used to post insightful engineering stuff. Now half their posts are URL compilations. I'm hanging on for the other half but I'm not sure for how long.

I feel you bro. Slowly make peace with it.
We live in a society 🎭

I seriously don't understand what these people intend to do by doing this? Getting likes? Some people might hate me for saying this but looking for people who usually post stuff online to get likes is a great way of filtering out narcissistic people.

I feel the same that they definitely it for likes - maybe to build a following and monetise it later?

World is getting dumber :) including me

It's your fault if you're still using Lin-din ..

World is getting dumber :)

LinkedIn Gyaanis should be banned
Rant. Chappri Interns and mid af SDEs on LinkedIn have destroyed the entire point of the platform. Every Tier 1 graduate working at Microsoft or Walmart posts their own pic in some Manali hillstation and give 400 lines of unsolicited gya...

Middle class people are not wrong in thinking that swe is a path to their liberation. I could only afford to travel t...

These people literally made people believe that software engineering is all about solving lc questions. It is becomin...

It's easy to package existing solutions of LC & sell them to idiots with the power of Tier-1 / FAANG background. ...

Remember when LinkedIn was the place to get work done?
Welcome to NEW LinkedIn, where professionals go to get distracted
- Because nothing says "professional networking" like knowing that out of my 30K connections, 48 have played Queens in the last hour. Exactly the vital information I need...

LinkedIn is not the same what it was an year ago, these days it's mostly filled with useless crap and so called influ...

Platforms you use for latest tech world news.
LinkedIn is becoming shit day by day and filled with cringe posts, faang cracking success stories, course sellers and paid marketing campaigns.
We all have limited time, share the platforms you use to stay updated on things in the tec...