
Salary negotiation after company rejected expectations ctc

Guys, need a quick descriptive help here. I applied to the position of senior profile for which in 1st round only they gave asked youe CTC expectation and at what CTC you will not go beyond. I shared my CTC and after 3 days I got an mail stating that my candidature got rejected because they will not be able to pay that CTC which is market standard that i asked. Now, i want to work in that company because profile is good and will help to draft my career and i am ready to decrease my CTC expectation also.

My problem is how do I portray over mail and what pointers i should be adding to convey them to consider my profile for next round of interview as i am ready to work at lesser CTC (asked 3x of my curent CTC when lastly was discussed).

Note: HR didn't asked my my current CTC . She directly asked expectations and at what CTC you will not go beyond.


22mo ago

Is 3x of your current CTC(assuming you are at Google as portrayed by your profile), really what the market rate is for you?


My first expectations for the senior profile for which interviewed was for 3x CTC . Example : current profile - asm (12 CTC) and applied for the position of regional head (35-40L CTC ) which is current market trend. For this problem how to cater that be cause the position requires more responsibilities and work as per my curent kra.

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