
Switch to NLP

Hey folks,

I'm currently working as a Data Scientist with 2.8 yr experience. I've been working mostly in predictive analytics and have some experience in NLP as well.

I wish to switch to a product based company with NLP as a focus. The issue is the requirement of NLP experience which I feel I lack. I'm ready to learn/practice apart from work and gain required knowledge.

How can I get through resume selection to interviews?

20mo ago

Why a focus on NLP, most of the NLP startups I have seen are struggling. Only the big tech is doing somewhat good in NLP Research...


I'm not looking to join startups which are based mostly on NLP but use it as part of a bigger product. My understanding is that it's a growing field and most of the consumer facing products will try to integrate NLU/NLP going forward in some way given the rise of language understanding capabilities, be it understanding user queries, reviews, medical prescriptions, and various other use cases and also to reduce human dependence in support roles.


Completely disagree with the comment about startups using NLP are struggling. Folks are sticking LLM and raising funds without a product right now. There are loads of profitable companies heavily invested in NLP, apart from the big ones. I work in CX and yes, the way we used to solve NLU has changed dramatically. There are loads of players in this space and I can guarantee everyone is going through a shift right now. Go over a course, the best one atm is from umass. Search umass NLP 2023 on YouTube. Build LLM based products, write useful blog posts about your findings. The best case scenario would be to contribute to projects like hugginface, langchain, llama-index, etc. Though it's easier said than done.


Add more AI to your resume


Since I'm not actively using a lot of AI in my current project, we mostly use xgboost, time series predictions using simpler methods rather than seq2seq methods etc, how exactly should I add more AI. As part of personal projects or what exactly? Can you explain it a bit more

I've worked on BERT, biLSTM etc previously but stuck with this project since almost a year now.

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