Talking to a therapist or taking anti-depressants alone will not help us to come out of our miseries.
We need to either neglect our thoughts and fix our thoughts. That is how I overcame my ocd/ overthinking.
I always used to cry/panic whenever I am in chaos. so I identified this behaviour and fixed it.
Whenever I am in such a situation, I remember my rule.
"Control your thoughts, Control your emotions".
This helped me to respond to the situation and not react.
Also, I had a bunch of OCD behaviours which I was doing unknowingly. After speaking with my psychiatrist, I got to know about them. Then through online search, I came across CBT therapy to overcome such thoughts.
There were/are certain overthinking/OCD thoughts which I can't overlook.
So I usually "either neglect/oppose/fix" the thought whenever I get such thought.
I hope you guys may find my rules to control my thoughts helpful.
If you want to use them, please don't blindly practice them but do analyse if they are working for you and not harming your daily work.