Throw away your problems/rant anything here, I will give my suggestions!!
Throw away your problems/rant anything here in comments, I will give my suggestions!! Sounds fun let's do it. Anyone can give suggestions as well.
I got betrayed by a boy. He cheated me after 4years of love and now moving on to get marry to another girl which is decided by their parents. Im in a pathetic situation, my life stuck and i have been true to him for all these 4years and i never expected anything from, i loved him truly, i expected only love from him. But i could believe the fact that i got betrayed and used by him all these years. Now my mind is full of anger to punish him. Pour your suggestions how to punish him. Please dont say just move on without punishing him like that.
Hmm its a tough situation to be in but punishing someone is not in our hands, god will take care of it. I'm really sorry about what u had to go through, but many people are going through this thing nowadays and I hope u get a loving person in ur life so that u forget your past and that ungrateful person!.
As per my understanding you got two options.
- become the best version of yourself and show him what he has lost
- since he cheated, you can expose him to that gril. But yaa is that even worth it.
I am unable to find a good guy to marry😓
Hmm i see, in this post if some guy will comment anything similar will tag you along !
Why these IT people keep complaining about their struggles. You have so many people around you with similar routines, common subjects to talk about, great pays. Surprisingly both sides are struggling is beyond my understanding.
Decided to switch companies and move to Bangalore because of girlfriend, got multiple offers from NCR,none from Bangalore🥲. Paytm Bangalore decided to put the position I was selected for on hold.
Still looking: referrals are most welcome 🤗
@SoggyBasil4 you go first 👀
Hmm i don't have friends irl, none of my school friends replies me now and I'm not a very social person either, so yeah this was about me
I have always been lucky enough to find good guys but somehow or the other, things go haywire. I don’t earn much but my family is affluent. I end up being with guys who will be head over heels for me in the beginning but eventually, marriage goes out of the table. Never found a guy who would just stay, no matter what, who would fight for me. I am just so tired talking to guys. Almost at the verge of giving up.
Hmm if any guy will comment on this post will tag u along!
A middle class boy with great ethics and values will stay away from such a proposal. A marriage should mostly be of equals. That includes family status. Usually, high earning man will prefer high earning girl and vice versa. But in your case, if your earnings match, your lifestyles would be very different. Its fair to assume, Your expenses would be much higher, you would have lead a comfortable life whereas the middle class guy might have a life full of hardships. Even if you decide to go ahead, its a lifestyle downgrade for you. So its upto you, whether you want sacrifice your comfort or look for a rich guy(earning or affluent). This opinion is based on my experience. I have been in this same situation multiple times, but when rationality hits, I say no to such prospects.
I don't have any passion in life . I just do the job because I need money . Helps me get appreciation amongst My relatives and family also help them when in need which actually feels good . Just wanna save enough to retire asap and start doing nothing . I play computer games when free to kill time .
Want to travel without need to think of budget .
Married . Love her . About to have a baby .
Tc : 50lpa
Age 30 male
Coming from a tier - 3 college, it is difficult to find a good job in Software industry, no referrals, no connections help much, no matter how many applications, not many responses anyway. Everybody assumes because I'm a girl, everybody is waiting to hire me. All my tier - 1 friends getting good jobs is giving such a crazy fomo.
See make profile on Linkedin and naukri. Just ping recruiters. Also share ur resume I will refer u in my firm
What was the BGV Process in your company? Like did they ask you to share the access to your EPF passbook?
Yes in accenture they ask you to share the EPF passbook

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