
We are entering in the phase of slowdown and think twice before pressing resign button! Interviews

Hey all I started recently interviewing and found that these days recruitment has gone down a lot and many companies are not taking over next stage of interviews

I have been shortlisted for multiple companies like Accenture, capgemini and lg soft and few smaller firms in Bangalore and all wanted immediate joining and i started giving interviews and found people giving interviews and not even hiring or updating folks after the interview status i talked with multiple friends in the companies and found few facts

  1. Mass hiring IT companies are downsizing and they conduct interviews and hire people at the cheap level possib;e

  2. Interviews to keep public and investors happy and build brand value

  3. To show good morale in teams

Reality is that one hr who hires for multiple firms told me that now many companies are putting their hires on hold till december and it was through him i got interview calls but seeing all these fear me a lot

So think before you resign get 2 offers or more before you press the button !

Finally wishing all best in job search

5mo ago

I interviewed till the day I started the new job 💀



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