
What are some Green Flags in a company?

Enough negativity, what do you think are some green flags in a company that someone can look for before joining?

For me, it is companies where interview doesn’t revolve around the interviewer questioning with a pre-defined answer in mind on some random DSA garbage they picked off Hackerrank.

Someone who genuinely is interested in helping me understand the role, if I like the role and then spend time evaluating me on the work that I have done and quizzing me on that. It feels so refreshing to not be treated like a ChatGPT in an interview.

A bonus point (and this is very rare) is an interviewing suggesting how to improve! So far, shockingly, I found this only with Infosys (2018) and Udaan (in 2017, I think). 😶

I might have gotten lucky with the panel in both places.

16mo ago

This happened to me back in 2015:

Me: Due to my injury I need to restrict movement and be within confined spaces for atleast 3 months. So, I'm planning to take Loss of Pay for 3 months and be at home and recover.

Manager: If you can work I can convince our head of department to allow you to work from home, from your personal laptop.

This happened during the time when remote work was considered taboo and we worked with desktop computers in office. I was so surprised that the manager went over and beyond to get me remote work for 3 months. I worked and I got paid for those 3 months. I didn't even know this option was possible at that time.

The thing is, most green flags are associated with teams & teams only. Not the company. Companies are mostly trying to stay afloat, be profitable, compete and cut costs. So look for green flags in your team. If you begin to look for green flags in your company, I'm most certain you won't find any.


Yeah. Try build good rapport with people to work with and people who matter. Most people are practical.


Unfortunately it's not about the company, it's about the people/colleagues/managers. That's why you will see few teams happy and not others, irrespective of the kind of work they do.


Might sound generic. But some often have a solution mindset.
I Worked in a lab during my internship in a Canadian Univ. During an experimental run, I had screwed one (expensive) pipe too tightly, which cracked and burst. I was super scared and freaked out and expected scolding at the least. The professor calmly asked me what could have avoided my to do what I did. In a series of questions, he made me say that we should put a sensor or something to warn people that it shouldn't happen. And then asked me to prepare a report mentioning that in passive voice, As if there was no one to blame. Was a learning that day.

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