Dunzo existential crisis
Is dunzo going to survive current year given the current market scenario (funding winter, extensive competition etc.)
Being arm twisted by Reliance. This is the problem with strategics. If they back out, sends the wrong signal.
My insight from the industry - inventory management and operations were screwed up. They goofed up on the planning front, including warehousing
Is dunzo going to survive current year given the current market scenario (funding winter, extensive competition etc.)
First, they had a layoff. Some people in the leadership quit. Middle management people are quitting. They shut down majority of the dark stores. They are pivoting their business. They are out of runway.
Instead of terminating me immediately with 2 months' pay, can I ask them to keep me employed till max 2 months while I search for a job and if I land one, then they won't have to pay me for the full 2 months. Is such an arrangement commo...
Haven't heard about an acquisition or new fundraise. What is next for Dunzo?