What I read today
After a lot of Albert camus and Kafka this was a breath of fresh air. I see the younger generation is more attracted toward the nihilistic approach to life, this book is quite the opposite. It'll give you reasons and ways to find out the meaning in your life.

great book to read.
Recommend Jonathan Livingston seagull too if not read

Thanks, haven't heard about it, will check it out

Wouldn't the author's approach to meaning broadly come under existentialism? Though it leans more towards human connection afaik

Yes, it's essentially existentialism. But it's not nihilistic existentialism. Unlike nihilism which asks us to just accept the meaninglessness around us, his approach asks us to put efforts in finding that meaning. Human connection is one of the ways of finding that meaning but there are other ways as well.

Yepp, one of the must reads for sure !! Totally shakes you to the core with its perspective and writing and then makes you think about how you can bring its learning in your life !! One of my favourite reads !!