
What’s the right way to get laid off

Has anybody here experienced a layoff that has kept up your love for the company.

I’ve had a bad one that was done in 30 mins with a meagre severance and assets/accesses removed in 10 mins with a legal binding about a non social media disclosure

Not mentioning which company for obvious reasons.

28mo ago

I had to once lay off 3 employees under me in my ex-org.

The company was closing down the product we were working on. There was a position on a different product for me but sadly not for them.

I got to know 5 days before D day so took time out to prep. I got a meeting room for the 4 of us and here's what I did:

  1. Transparently told them the situation and why the WIP project was being closed.

  2. Did mention how it's not their fault.

  3. It was emotional for me to do it too and one of them started crying (It was her first job too). Tried my best to be understanding but stayed I stayed factual and calm.

  4. Helped them as much as you can- I did revisions to their resumes, helped in interviews, and got one of them got placed with my referral.



Have been laid off before. Fortunately, my boss was really good, got a good severance and a positive letter of recommendation

They even gave me the laptop, this helped a lot, esp when you use company gadgets and never invested in personal laptop (i guess no one in tech does)

Job search saga- My confidence was low, it feels like you are being judged by possibly everyone around you, took me 3 mos to get a new one. I was ashamed of asking my friends/ good colleagues in good companies for any kind of help (that's a regret). Luckily, i didn't have any emis and didn't need to support family.

Now in new company, i keep on reminding myself that it's a transaction b/w me and my employer, have been up-skilling ever since.

I'm really sorry to hear what happened with you. Good luck with your search, and tc of yourself!


Really sorry to hear this. Let me know if I can help in anyway. If you’re a techie, pm, or have business background then I can help you out.

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