by WobblyCoconutSoftware Engineer
Companies to work for
What are some good and stable companies to work for in these times?
I'm looking for good pay, good work (ready to work hard) and no further layoffs.
I have 3YOE. Please suggest.
TATA decent pay
+1... most tata companies...
What about HUL?
What are some good and stable companies to work for in these times?
I'm looking for good pay, good work (ready to work hard) and no further layoffs.
I have 3YOE. Please suggest.
I just read the thread about bad companies and almost everyone that I know and is on national or above scale was mentioned in the list,
So is there really a good company? Or it is just a catch phase that "we have good culture".
Are there any companies which come even close to providing same benefits as govt job? Majority of the people from older generation who were into govt jobs (nearing retirement/retired) have built a decent life for themselves and their kid...