Which technology/programming language should I learn next
I am currently in a company with 8.55 lpa ctc ( just graduated this year btech cse) . We do python databricks also sql server and IICS .( basically data engineering ) . I don't want to do data engineering. I want to learn something else which is exciting and will give me more pay . So now I am learning Golang but stackoverflow survey says that zig language pays the highest ( quite strange ) . So I want to ask Industry experts what is the hot tech right now , what should I learn which is interesting as well as pays more ?

it might sound like a textbook answer but you can’t go around switching your stack that pays more. You need to know how how each stack works and become language agnostic. Try and understand which stack suits a certain problem statement.
But if you are still interested in learning a certain stack, python is and will remain hot for at least next few years and its asynchronous programming too. Frameworks like fastapi, sanic, etc are popular these days

thanks , actually I can learn any and every technology because every technology has it's own unique features and solve a specific problem . Just I want to know which is attracting more salary right now , because I kinda needed money

You can learn any technology that is true, but to achieve mastery over one, you have to build large scale production grade systems to truly understand what the technology can and cannot do. Building hobby projects in side like todo is not going to cut it