
Why do Indian Companies / Indian management have horrible work life balance and cultures compared to others ?

Just wanted to know why and how come our companies have horrible WLB and cultures compared to western counterparts. Is it the fault of the employees for accepting whatever and acting like sheep or is it just the mindset of the senior management to treat their subordinates the same horrible way they were treated as some sort of sick rite of passage ?

24mo ago

Because our society thinks job and money is everything you have to achieve in life and society thinks the goal of education is to get a job and earn money. There is no scope for other hobbies and other things to do in life which in turn making us work only for money. So when our goal is making money we Indians are ready for a shitty WLB and project the same on everyone else


Even if someone is happy and satisfied with his current financial situation, pressure from life partner, parents and society is never ending. We Indians always compare the money never compare the joy and blissfulness.


totally agree


Because South Asians are extremely petty. An avg. guy/girl, who have gotten to position with or without hardwork wants to display power in the most pettiest way.


This, “because I worked hard, so should you” mantra of genx/millennials


Simply because in India there would be waiting 10 people happily ready to swap positions with you with lesser pay.


Poor country with millions in line for jobs. Why would companies try to improve wlb when they can exploit you for more profits? The government.rules don't help either.


Someone who thinks work and life are not in a balance should find some other work which they love doing and still earn and enjoy at the same time. Or do your work in such a way that it runs without you having to work so much or for long hours.


I think the major problem is when companies go public and have shareholder money they tend to maximise their profits at the expense of both the customer and the employee.

The employee will never feel the same way the founder does for the organisation as they don’t have much skin in the game as the former does. So it’s kinda weird how they expect them to put in the same dedication especially when the culture becomes toxic day by day.

The final issue is how the senior employees especially the ones who are the management lackeys pay no heed to what their subordinates tell them and the cycle keeps continuing which means this loop will never end and the rat race will kill you before you even start.


Simple answer - our population. Giving you a scale to understand. Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of area. It’s population is almost the same as Kerala, which is one of the smaller states in India.


A result of unrealistic expectations for sure. But there's more to it.

We don't value our time. Period.
Look at people who show up late to events and family functions. This flexible view of time is also applicable for the workplace. Start timings and break timings are not taken seriously and as a result, log off/pack up timings.


Because we don't say NO, fearing someone might replace them. And companies exploit it to the maximum


Not just India. You see same in Japan and maybe S. Korea. Once everyone who enters or stays in corporate does so not just for the money, will we see a change. Bcoz otherwise you’re not empowered to drive a change. There’s some hope with Gen Z but it’ll take years to clean this mess. Older folks really need to drive it too. Maybe widespread health ailments would be a wakeup call.


It is to do with the fact that in the developed / western cultures 'most' organisations are happy with 3-5% growth rate (which is better than GDP growth).
They are satisfied as long as they can preserve their existing and relatively comfortable way of life. This is not true of Asian cultures. Like it or not excessive work life balance is not conducive to hyper growth.

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