
Peak Toxicity at AT&T

I work in the CDO department of Bengaluru, AT&T. Managers, onshore and offshore here, are absolutely trash. They have absolutely 0 regards for your personal life.

Every single day, the managers on the onshore will create a false sense of urgency for delivering something that is not that important. They'll push you to work beyond your working hours, call you on the phone / whatsapp, and shamelessly ask you to do it "over the weekend" with no mention about comp-off.

When these points would be highlighted to them during opportunities like surveys, one on ones and sprint retrospectives, no acknowledgement will be made. Next day, they'll again come with another impossible deadline and ask you to get started asap (which is basically now).

Requesting people from AT&T who're reading this - Please push back. Don't entertain every request, and don't stay light night working on that "enhancement". It will ruin your life, and everyone else's too.

29d ago
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