
Will we ever stand up for ourselves?

After the unfortunate death of the EY CA, the whole country is talking about how work life balance should be prioritised but will we ever do it?

There is no solidarity among corporate workers. The people in the top posts of the hierarchy will always try to suck the life out of their juniors. Everyone is compared based on the package they get, the project they work on or the awards they receive. Do you really expect a β€œunion” from these people? A junior employee can never stand up for himself as the reply from the senior will always be - There are many others who can take this up just quit the job.

Labor law is a total shit show in our great country. Leadership is focused on just three things - Division based on religion, reservation and freebies. We say India is one of the strongest economies but the dark reality here is the government begs the companies to set up their base here in return of β€œlabourers” who can slog all day like robots. These labourers are replaceable at any moment of time and paid peanuts. Now think of this - No work life balance, shitty pay but the highest taxes.

The sad reality is that there is not a single person who can or will stand for us corporate majdoors. Youngsters are having various health issues like weight gain, BP, Diabetes and hair loss but who cares right? This is how it is. Keep slogging to get to the top and repeat the same with your juniors.

5mo ago

Union is too big a thing to expect. People don't even boycott stupid decisions of leadership even if it is a team of 3-5 people which can easily decide to get implemented what they think and know is the right thing to do. I have gotten so frustrated that people will talk shit about the leader behind the back, and when I tell them to take stand for it and make a change. They won't. It only made me realise that the only way for me is to be a leader, or build a company myself. Otherwise there is no point, nobody wants to put their job on the line for a thing like unionising which anyway according to them is what daily wage labourers do for stupid reasons.


Only if there were strict labour laws like other countries, some people would at least have the guts to stand up for themselves.


In my opinion the labour laws are strict. There is a reason why companies even in India, make us resign ourselves instead of firing us (there is a law related to it which does not allow mindless firing) Just that our judicial system is so slow and shitty that people fear getting involved in that.


Earning 1cr. Corpus amount In a city in 15 years is a doable target for many corporate employees. After that how many will move to a village/small town and live life of retirement?.or take up a job that pays less but offers better life? Remember 1cr will fetch you 8 laks a year in interest alone. It's easy to complain. When people themselves won't follow.

The ones who want the change, find it.


Just know that interest payments become lower for larger sums


Your kids may be 5 years old and in need of good schools. Your parents may be in need of healthcare. 1 cr can be too much or too less depending on your life circumstances. It is much better to create a healthy work environment.


India is a land of slaves. We never got independence from the West. Indian managers are worse than colonial rulers as their only aim is to enjoy their salary and treat juniors as animals.

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