
Zepto Engineering Manager Salary

Can help with Fixed , variable and esops split for same ?

12mo ago
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Zepto manager salary on average is Rs. 70 LPA, as per the data on AmbitionBox. The engineering managers are paid 96% more than engineering managers in other businesses which is about Rs. 35.8 LPA. For 70 LPA, engineering managers at Zepto can expect 57-64% of the total salary which would be Rs. 40-45 LPA. Usually, the variable pay for companies is 21% of the total salary. So, for your next part of the question about variable pay, Zepto might offer Rs. 15 LPA. The employee stock options generally are 14%, so you may get Rs. 10 LPA as ESOPS.

However, you should connect with the current Zepto employees about the pay structure as these salaries may depend on market conditions, industry standards, employee performance and so on. With the changes in the stock prices, the ESOPS can also fluctuate. For concrete information, you can also reach out to HR, if you’re considering working as an engineering manager at Zepto. However, all companies generally talk about their pay structure once a candidate has successfully completed the assessment and interview rounds.


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