
Why you should fight against injustice system b




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Adulting on

by BlickCait


I wish life was a little easier and I just need to vent

My mother called me yesterday and tells me she got scammed for about 10 lakhs and needs money by Monday. She has 4 lakhs and I will have to cover the rest. Turns out she let a friend take a loan in her name and this friend gave fake jewellery as collateral. The friend took loans under her husband’s name and my mom’s name, she divorced the dude and escaped. The bank called my mom and has asked her to pay, now they’re filing a case against my mom for fraud. I’ve spent my weekend talking to advocates and friends, and looks like the only way to get out of it unscathed is to cut a deal with the bank saying we’ll pay the money back and they don’t press charges in return. Contesting the bank is going to take time, money and the risk of my mom losing her job. As an older daughter who grew up in a broken family, I’ve spent my childhood and adulthood protecting my mother and sibling. I finally landed a well paying job 2 years ago and now the responsibility extended to providing for my younger sister and my mother financially which I’m more than happy to do. I’ve worked hard the past few months to save what I have right now beyond what I give my family, use to sustain myself and finally felt happy about the position I’m in. Now I’m heartbroken. I’m going to be emptying almost 70% of what I have so far for this for paying the bank and the lawyer. Especially for something that’s not even my mistake and something that could have been easily avoided. I’m not in a place to direct my anger at her, I know it’s a hard time for her as well. 6 to 7 lakhs might sound like a small amount to some but I don’t have the privilege to throw money like that. I don’t have fuck you money. I don’t take money from friends. I’m 25 and literally just started my life 2 years ago after working for peanuts. What’s even the point of working hard, leading an honest life if this is how it works? It’s just truly unfair and I don’t know how to deal with it.


Moving Abroad on

by hellotherehappy


Today, I've made the decision to leave the country.

I was to give an interview for a post-graduate degree abroad, and right up until today morning I still had mixed feelings about leaving the country. The first startup I worked in was built on the idea of Digital India and right up until my last employer, I believed and wholeheartedly bought into the future of this country. Until the events of the last few years. Our family was extorted for money (through threats to demolish our home under false pretences) leading up to elections in Bangalore by a BJP MLA and his corrupt crew. My entire layout has become a hotbed of Hindutva nationalism to the extent that some Muslim households keep their curtains permanently closed and sadly I've lost some very good friends simply because I didn't side with them or chose to remain apolitical. But I think the last straw was today. I don't know why but today of all days I've made the decision emotionally to quit India. To be clear I have no issues with the temple and frankly, I don't know enough to battle the inevitable "you're not a true Indian/Hindu" comments that will follow this post. It's just that I have this sinking feeling we have now so thoroughly mixed politics with religion that we will never go back from here. If you think this is a victory for Hindus fair enough, but it also feels like a loss for a secular nation. Am I alone or wrong in feeling this way? PS: If you want to debate, please do with some sensible comments. It has taken a lot for me to come and post this here even if it is anonymous. I would greatly appreciate it if we could have a conversation and not a put-down contest.