
Those who are running successful businesses. Any lessons for new comers?

Businesses not startup. And you should've sold your product to customers not VCs. Saw a recent post of a guy who did same raised $5M and his startup failed but I am sure he took out 10L pm salary. Anyways I won't criticise him for burning someone's money because people who funded him have IQ and EQ equivalent to peanuts. I am starting out alone cuz I couldn't find a co-founder for myself. Realised this is the best route, still didn't have a technical co-founder since all tech guys are busy looking for a job or PG. And remaining of my batchmates are "idea" guys. Who I consider equal to product managers. They're like basil leaves on poha. It doesn't add anything to it's taste nor the looks. I am right now on a solo route. Any tips or tricks is welcome even psychological. Actually psychological is more helpful since I am in the industry where doing a job is considered as a "hobby" now imagine making your own product. Even tips on taxes and personal finance is welcome from men and women here. P.s the industry is gaming industry and I make mobile games. So only comment if you have something to add cuz I am already done with "find a job" ones from everyone in my life. Btw I made some games and 1 of them is doing good and making me decent money.




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Indian Startups on

by WhimsicalStitcher


Raised $5M+ for web3 startup, shut it down. Notes on conviction vs hype 🧵

Alright folks, time for some real talk. I fucked up. Big time. And I'm here to share my story so you don't make the same mistakes I did. Back in 2021, I co-founded a web3 startup. Yeah, you know where this is going. I was caught up in the hype, the FOMO, the promise of changing the world through DAOs. Spoiler alert: We raised more than $5M in seed funding, burned through half of it, never hit product-market fit, and ended up shutting down and returning the remaining capital to our investors. Here's how it went down: It all started when I fell down the web3 rabbit hole. I read a few whitepapers, watched some YouTube videos, and suddenly thought I was the next Vitalik Buterin. I had this "revolutionary" idea for a DAO that would democratize venture capital. Sounds cool, right? I thought so too. Now, here's the thing - I'm a great pitcher. Give me a deck and 30 minutes, and I can make almost anything sound like the next unicorn. So, armed with buzzwords and a slick presentation, I hit the VC circuit. And holy shit, did it work. We were a great team, stellar credentials so were able to close the fundraise pretty quick. I still remember the day we closed the round. Popping champagne, dreaming of TechCrunch headlines once we did our Series A, all the jazz. But here's what I didn't realize at the time: I had zero conviction in what we were building. I was so caught up in the excitement of raising money and being part of the "next big thing" that I never stopped to ask myself if I truly believed in what we were doing. Reality hit hard and fast. As we started building, I realized I didn't really understand the problem we were solving. Our target users weren't as excited about the product as we were. We pivoted, then pivoted again. But nothing stuck. Eighteen months in, we had burned through $3M, had no clear path to revenue, and my co-founder and I were at each other's throats. That's when it hit me - we needed to shut this down before we wasted any more of our investors' money. Making that call was the hardest thing I've ever done. Telling our team, our investors, our families - it sucked. But it was the right thing to do. Here's what I learned from this expensive and humbling experience: 1.⁠ ⁠Hype is not a business model: Just because something is trending doesn't mean it's a good business opportunity. Do your own research, understand the market deeply. 2.⁠ ⁠Raising money ≠ Success: It's easy to get caught up in the vanity of a big round. But money just buys you runway, not success. 3.⁠ ⁠If you can't explain it to your grandma, you don't understand it well enough: I couldn't clearly explain our value proposition without resorting to buzzwords. Red flag. 4.⁠ ⁠Team alignment is everything: Make sure you and your co-founders are on the same page about the vision, not just the potential payout. 5.⁠ ⁠Listen to the market, not your ego: We ignored early signs that users weren't as excited about our product as we were. But the biggest lesson? You need 100% conviction to run a startup. Not 90%, not 99%. 100%. Building a company is hard. Really fucking hard. There will be days when everything seems to be falling apart. If you don't have absolute conviction in what you're building, you won't have the resilience to push through those times. Looking back, I realize I was more in love with the idea of being a founder than with the problem we were solving. I was chasing clout, not impact. To anyone out there thinking of starting a company: Please, please, please make sure you have unwavering conviction in your idea. Make sure you're solving a real problem that you deeply understand and care about. Don't do it for the hype, the money, or the status. Do it because you can't imagine doing anything else. As for me? I'm taking some time off to reflect. Next time (if there is a next time), I'll make damn sure I believe in what I'm building with every fiber of my being. I sort of see this happening now with AI, please take a pause. Let's learn from each other. Because trust me, learning this lesson the hard way? It ain't fun. Keep building!


Indian Startups on

by phoebus


10 years of failure

I guess a rant as well as seeking advice. I started my first company at the age of 22 right out of college. It was semi successful. Scaled it to a few crore in revenue but because of some issues had to close it down. Worked on a few products again which again did alright but not enough to giving me savings. This experience ranged from software to e-commerce. Building different products. I’m now 31, and started a biotech company about a year back. However stuff has been slow. I’ve barely any savings and funding in my space is scare. So it’s been small government grants. I’ve realised that if this doesn’t take off, after 10 years of struggle I probably need to look for a job atleast for a few years. (Won’t ever give up on starting up. I’m a fighter that way.) My resume is eclectic. I’ve done all sorts of stuff with mediocre success. But don’t have a defined skillset. (Like being a programmer for example). I guess one skillset I can say I have is identify and opportunity. Also I have tremendous stress tolerance and ability to work. What should I do? Should I eventually look for a job? If yes, honestly I don’t even know what job profile I’ll go for. Because I’ve never done a job ever. I’m confused. I’m not married and don’t plan to. For me me, running a company is everything and I’m willing to sacrifice everything else for it. (Includes not being married so that I don’t have pressure to maintain the lifestyle married life entails.) Sorry for the long post. Also great respect to you guys who’ve made it :) and also to the once struggling. It’s us who keep the economy ticking at great personal cost of health and finance. Fighters.