
According to the EASE OF LIVING INDEX: Banglore is the most livable city in India but I have watched some videos from youtubers continously saying that Banglore has destroyed.

Today I watched a youtube video from OpenLetter having title: What destroyed Bengaluru? | Save Bengaluru | Open Letter I have watched other youtube videos also saying that Banglore has a bad infrastructure, it has the shortage of water, it has very high cost of living etc. While I find that for your IT career growth, Banglore is the best place. You have lots of opportunities here. Banglore has more educated people as compared to other IT HUb cities like Gurgaon or Noida (I live in Gurgaon right now). It's true that Banglore has bad traffic situation but are the youtubers exaggerating this or is this really true? Is it true that Banglore has a bad infrastructure as compared to other cities of India? While when I went to Banglore, I found it better than the other cities.

8mo ago

The Youtuber you mentioned sensationalises anything. Bangalore is like any other Indian Metro city where the people come from all over the country, are generally well behaved, young, educated, curious, openminded. Amenities in Bengaluru are plenty. I have lived in Kolkata, Pune, Mumbai and have flatmates who lived in Delhi, Gurgaon etc. I prefer BLR to all others.

There are issues like infra and water. And there are local political issues of language (which I feel is reasonable). But overall, life in BLR is easy, fun-loving, ambitious but expensive. We are not as hard-working and fast as Mumbai is but we definitely slog harder than others.


That's the answer I was looking for !!


Bangalore is not even the best place to live in Karnataka, as Mysore >> Bangalore . Mysore still has that old Bangalore vibes from early 2000s.

Biggest problem is the Blr is not prepared for the explosive population growth and the centre government is not funding proportionate to the economic output as they are instead using in mainly in UP and Bihar. For every 100 Rs tax paid by Karnataka, it gets back only 13 Rs while UP gets ~340 Rs and Bihar gets 920 Rs !


Commuting in bangalore feels like you're being punished.


Traffic is truly bad here. Took me 3 hours to travel 12kms yesterday 🫠


I can only laugh at people who say Bengaluru or Pune or (Mumbai, NCR for that matter) are most livable cities. At best these cities are most Career rewarding cities. The quality of life in India's top 8 cities has gone to dogs. People mistake fancy malls, 10 min delivery and foreign brands for livability, not realising that in these cities quality of water, road, hygiene, food, safety all have gone for a toss. The livable city debate is futile because there is no winner.


Bangalore just paid for that index


Bangalore in livable because the alternates(except a few)are shotholes.

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And here I thought Bangalore was the village 🗿