
Men should stop defending men

And accept that some part of the human brain is capable of great violence and atrocious behavior. It’s this part that is left unschooled amongst the rapists and the murders. We should work towards a society where we identify and radically weed out such men. They are viruses that don’t have a place in our society from the get go. They’re viruses that should actually be killed and squashed as early as it can be. They don’t deserve a court proceeding and jail time is not enough as a punishment.



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Business Roles on

by DenseSlang0


My Story: My father used to hit my mom so hard that the walls were red with blood...

From the outside, my life right now looks great. I graduated with a great GPA from one of the best universities in DU, completed my banking stint in a top tier group and am now happily working as a Management Consultant in Monitor Deloitte. I'm in a relationship with a girl I'm crazy about, I have good friends, I'm attractive, fit and have the world ahead of me. That's what the outside sees. In reality, I'm a messed up kid feeling my way around in the dark through a world that I feel wholly unprepared for. I grew up poor. At times, I was very, very hungry. The first few months my family was able to crawl out of poverty, I continued to overeat because I still vividly remembered the hunger pains that often kept me awake at night. I lost one of my siblings and I always blamed myself for what happened. I was sexually abused by a relative. I witnessed things in my city that still send chills down my spine. And then there were my parents. Sure, my mom loved me and wanted me to be happy, but unfortunately she had no idea what it meant to be a good parent. My dad was an abusive piece of shit that saw me as his competition, not as his son. We still don't speak very often. On an especially bad day, he had once again taken his rage out on my mom, but to rub in the humiliation he had her wipe her own blood off the walls while he stood and watched. I tried to intervene, but I wasn't much of a match. I, too, was a bit of a piece of shit. I was aggressive and found myself in fights very often. Though I was smart, I was lazy and didn't do all too well in high school, where homework and not exams governed your academic performance. Needless to say, at 16 I looked like I was destined for a mediocre life at best, but probably likely to end up as another case of wasted potential. I don't know what changed, but one day I started turning things around and ever since I have kept the momentum going. I had the highest grades in my class in 11th and 12th. I soon got into a college that I did not deserve and met the love of my life there. And from there I busted my ass to get to where I am today. I earned my own money and paved my own way. I didn't use my past as an excuse to fail. If I didn't make it, I knew it was nobody's fault but my own. I also knew that nobody would care. If one day I broke down because of all the stress, the world would keep on turning as it always had. Nobody cares about the struggles I went through. They care about who I am today and who I'm going to be. And, I guess, that's my message: take responsibility for who you are, where you are now and where you will be. I don't care that it's a tough economy. I don't care that you go to a shitty college. I don't care that an unlucky string of events rendered you less competitive than your peers. And nobody else does either. We will continue living our lives the same way we always had, but you will suffer the curse of your own laziness and incompetence. It's a tough world out there and if you want to compete in an environment as ruthless as India, you need to forget about the excuses and find a way to succeed. And if you can't? Well, you weren't cut out for this world anyway. Nobody is going to pamper your bruised ego and give you a job just because you want it. You need to earn it.


Adulting on

by StanleyHudson


(Rant) Why are most women least bothered about men's mental health ?

I grew up with 5 sisters (1 real and 4 cousin), I am aware about the pain and the tribulation that women go through and have always been supporting women in general. I was shocked to see the opposite when I stepped into the real world. Most women whom I have met have only disposed me after using my resources. Be it a friend or even a prospective gf. Even my lady therapist offered the same solution indirectly by saying that things work differently for men. I have always responded to their rants and have comforted them. But when it was my chance to vent out, they were like YOU ARE A MAN YOU SHOULDNT BE BOTHERED BY MENTAL ISSUES, FOCUS ON YOUR WORK. I feel bottled up and sometimes end up breaking down. These are the people I have been knowing for ages. The other day I randomly started slapping myself for no reason in the washroom. I dont feel like I am being heard. I dont want such a life where I am being left alone for feeling the same things a woman would feel. I feel that the only thing I am good for is making money. Afterall, thats what men are supposed to be. This is a punishment for breaking my mould and I accept that. I have been very empathetic so far. NEVER AGAIN. I love myself and only myfuckingself nowww. There is this book called "Men are from jupiter Women are from venus" which clearly states that when women are in misery, make them feel heard. And when men are in misery, leave them alone. QUEEN , RATHER PLS K!LL US ALREADY. Why are kind men being subjected to the punishment which bad men (rapist, dowryfreaks, cheaters) deserve? Why do I see bad men getting so much attention and respect? Why are we still adulating Ranbir Kapoor's charachter for cheating on Rashmika just coz Tripti was attractive? Being emotional is such a curse for men ! Dear men, Please focus on your LPA and provide for your parents, future wife ,and kids, and when youre old enough, JUST ROT AND D!E. The moment you dont, you will be treated like hell.