Being single in Bangalore is not normal?
I shifted to Bangalore, last year freshly graduated from college. All of my friend circle was like you are going to Bangalore, which is known for dating culture, you will also find someone. It's been an year, I have not tried finding a girl outside, there aren't many in my office as well. I am okay with that, I feel things will fall in place when time will come. But all of my friends, cousins are like you are still single, you are living in Bangalore, you are having good job. How can you stay single???.....bla bla bla. Am I too abnormal??🤔

What rubbish… it’s nothing like that..enjoy your life the way you want ..eventually everyone get someone and life goes on ..

At least come out of your comfort zone and try. Nothing is normal or abnormal, but you need to do what you want in the future. Things don't fall in places until and unless you try. Forget society and all, just do what is needed for yourself

Being single is the new normal, career banao, friendship karo, ghumo firo. You may find someone eventually and settle finally, but putting efforts only to find a girlfriend is not worthwhile.

Nowadays in this entire universe has became very abnormal for being single 😹😹😹🐾😹😹🐾 no one believes that you are single has no past 🤣I always need to explain this to everyone around me 😹🐾🐈😼

It's actually easy if u go to kormanagala pub wala lane and talk to random girls inside the club ,very difficult on dating apps though

Nothing is abnormal. Keep the pressure aside, do what you enjoy the most. These are just childish things. You'll find someone when the time is right