
Dealing with toxic people at work

How do you guys identify it ? What do you guys do ?




5 months ago

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Consulting on

by LightningMcqueen

ZS Associates

How do you cope up with toxic environment?

I am a fresher just out of college, I have had the unfortunateness that I have gotten some toxic seniors where they just bash me for no reason at all, if I ask some questions to them they always give a sarcastic reply and when I do not understand something that they try to tell me and I ask questions they just stare me down, I'm just close to 1.5 months in the job. I have been hesitant till now to speak up to my manager but I will do now, bcz the situations have gotten worse with time, so much so that I am thinking of resigning to get away from this bullshit environment. I am just thinking of completing this quarter and then I'll put in my papers bcz water has gone above the head. Relatives and parents tell me to stay for some more time and see if things change but they haven't, every day feels like a challenge, work hours are pretty shit 11 am - 2am, sometimes 3am. Whereas others who joined with me got good seniors, who when they ask something always help them out. One of my frnds had a long day at work due to some error that he made in an analysis report due to which his whole team had to stay till 11 pm. Nobody bashed him for that, just made him know that learn from this and try to not repeat it. When he returned back to home he had a smile on his face and said my seniors backed me and made me understand where I went wrong and how to correct it, this is how work environment should be. If people are good, work hours are not a problem. Other people raised it with their seniors and they(friend's senior) also said that this is so not acceptable in the workplace. I'm eyeing other companies in the same domain to get to a better workplace where I am valued and no one bashes someone for not knowing things. I'm fed up of this corporate life in the first 2 months only. Money is good here but at what cost. How do you see this? Or how shall I approach this problem?


Indian Startups on

by ignitorconso


Need help !! Toxicity at workplace

I am working as SDE 1 in a good Indian startup. It's getting toxic day by day. Late night workings like 3AM and working on weekends is normalised like anything. Since I am new to IT ( no sort of politics never) and have almost 2.5 Years of experience, I am facing issues in getting credits. Last appraisal cycle in January, I was nominated for promotion but wasn't given to me, reason: you have not worked with architect and he was making decisions. In that case, architect should have been distributed tasks to us. one SDE3 is leading one of the projects ( not a big one ) and manager/architect is not much interested and never join any standup or retro, I have contributed immensely to that. Now since it is completely driven by sde 3 , he takes updates from us and show his work infront of seniors and director + announces like his work and seldom we get thank you in threads. Like if you did one function or wrote complete flow, for both thank you. Because of all these reasons, my work is not getting recognised. There is no one in team to help in this. Whenever a manager or Architect show cases some features or release, it's pretty evident that his team has done it but when a sde 3 does it, it is not the same. It conveys the message all or 90% work is done by him. I would like to take some suggestions from my seniors and fellow mates here. Hierarchy - sde 1-2-3-4-EM I can't leave or switch right now due to some critical persona reasons.