
Diversity and inclusion

4 interns in my team, 1 male and 3 are female. Only 1(Male) is from core CS Branch and rest are all from non CS branches. The 3 are learning how to code in python and this 1 intern is blowing all the tasks that we are giving. I can see the fear of HR on my manager’s face at each standup. For if he fails the 3 non performing interns and gives only 1 PPO.




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Software Engineers on

by CodeMonk


Diversity Hiring

My company is only hiring females for most of the positions. Now I dont really care about the gender/race/religion of the people getting hired but they must have right skillset and attitude. But most of the candidates who have been hired have none of these two. My team has almost 50 percent female candidates but they have been into the team for almost 6 months but still don't perform upto the mark. In some cases, college freshers are able to get the job done faster than these folks. Availability is also a big challenge and it's difficult to approach them to work beyond working hours even for small things that would take 30 mins or 1 hour. They just reply by saying I have logged ofr for the day. And manager would ask a guy to do the job. And let me confirm that the management expect us to be available 24/7 as its a business and operationally driven company. The manager dont ask females to work after working hours in most of the cases. They only work after working when the entire team is working. If its the individual owner who has to act, tgen it surely goes to any male guy. and everyone is super pissed of because despite working and giving more than 100 percent, the teams productivity doesn't justify the head counts. In my experience, diversity hiring should be done with caution. Candidates hired should have almost same level of knowledge and skillset as of the team and they should be told about the work culture, expectations at the time of hiring. Also people who don't need a job should avoid joining such culture as they aren't not sincere about their job and will be hated by everyone in the team due to these differences. Recently When I raised this concern to my manager, he said that I should avoid saying all this as it or else if this goes to HR, cases of posh may be slaaped onto me. I am really pissed off, planning to change the job asap. Not sure what kind of work culture have we created....


Office Gossip on

by HarveySpecter


Tell story of the worst intern that you had

TLDR; Had a data science intern join our team. His resume was really impressive, good academic record, had a couple of research internship (NUS, IIT), 4 papers in journals etc. His interview was just okay, but we probably got biased by his resume which looked stellar. This guy didn’t know very basic python programming. We gave him basic task of converting a image dataset from one format to another(very first step of developing ML model). Took a week, constantly badgered all the team members, would just randomly copy code from ChatGPT, and if it won’t work, would ask us to solve it for him. Didn’t figure it out in a week, and at the end of week, we arranged a meeting with him about the update of work. Turns out, he didn’t even understand the task clearly. But we didn’t mind him, as it was his first week and we cut him some slack. The next week, I understood that he struggled in programming so gave him very basic task. He just had to figure out a command line program. Took two days, gave the result without any documentation, and the very next day he asked whether he would get the credit of his work and that it would account for his decision to full time conversion. Then he started taking a leave, EVERY WEEK. We used to have scrum call at 10AM, this guy wakes up at 10:30AM, and tells that he slept late and would come to office by 11AM( we had work from office policy), and he would come around 11:30AM. Would slack at work the entire day, give him some basic task, would keep asking silly doubts, copy paste code from ChatGPT and ask us to solve the bugs. Come to office without taking bath, no professionalism at all. One day I scolded him a lot, to come at time, learn some professionalism( if he doesn’t have good skills, atleast a humble attitude and professionalism should be there), but dude had no effect, comes at 12PM the very next day, missing the scrum call again. Was scolded many times, but didn’t have effect on him. 50k/per month stipend, completely wasted.