Do you consider unfertilized eggs to be vegetarian?
I'm a vegetarian but I eat unfertilized eggs because I think they're vegetarian. My reasoning is that since they're unfertilized, there's no life coming out of that egg anyway, so it should be similar to cow milk, which is also an animal by-product. Am I missing something? What do you folks think?
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The main reason people consider it non-veg in India is because of religion. Nowadays most eggs you get are unfertilized. Scientifically, as you mentioned it's as veg as milk. From my understanding, it's considered veg in most parts of the world.
What is fertilized and unfertilized egg? Never knew that there are two kinds of eggs being sold in market? Do they come written on eggs packetsā cover?
Kendall Dean
2 months ago
Unfertilized eggs are basically female's eggs that haven't been fertilized by a male. So the eggs won't hatch.
Some brands have it on their packaging, but most eggs that are produced these days are unfertilized
The reason milk is considered acceptable in vegetarians is because all mammals, even herbivores, consume milk.
The real question you should ask is does this have protein and is it healthy?
If the answer is yes then that is all that matters