
Double standards of people, here and other social platforms

I have seen 5 post of the Bombae razor ad on this platform, and how people found it 'offensive' Ask yourself - if it wasn’t one of the thoughts when you saw her picture, apart from being happy for her achievement

I am a woman, and I am ashamed that society made my mind think facial hair as abnormality. Class 10 to 12 are a hormone ruckus, that's where problems start, probably for men too

The agency made money, don't attach too many emotions to ads. Last month someone 'died' to raise awareness

8mo ago
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yes that was my thought when I saw her picture, but what I did with that information makes the difference

did i choose to troll her ? No did i choose to focus on her achievement ? Yes

while many others did the opposite of what I did, they are the problem

If we don't speak against what we find wrong, then what's the difference between me and a BJP supporter




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