Discussion on UX Salaries
How does a UX salary of 60 LPA compare to industry standards in various regions, and what factors might influence such a compensation package?
Recruiter to Hiring Manager : I need you to be a little more specific with your hiring needs
Hiring Manager:
Recruiter - 🤦♂️🤦♀️🤦🤬
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How does a UX salary of 60 LPA compare to industry standards in various regions, and what factors might influence such a compensation package?
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Expenses: 1.5 lac a month including everything, li...
Hey - we are also similar to you. Would strongly suggest finding something you’re passionate about. For us (prim...
Funny how no one commented to be adopted by you 🤣
Bro My suggestion is Buy some big land in outskirts and save some in your Account. Once you fell not intereste...
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